Thursday 25 July 2013

Deap Vally, Sistrionix

Whilst watching Later With Jools Holland back in May, I discovered a band that were right up my musical street. To be honest, any viewer would have found it difficult to forget LA’s Deap Vally after that episode – they were loud, confident, edgy, fiery, and it was hard to believe that that much energy and noise could come out of just two girls. Of course, I’m not being sexist here; Deap Vally proved they had more balls than anyone else on the show that night (which is saying a lot, as Beady Eye were also on the bill… ;) ). As for the music - it was all the things I like rolled into one. A bit Led Zep meets White Stripes, meets Janis Joplin. Their performances of Baby I Call Hell and Gonna Make My Own Money blew me away so much, I clicked straight onto Amazon and ordered their album.

Sistrionix has some great tracks and, although their signature screaming guitar and powerful drum rhythms are always present, there’s lots of blending into other genres too; rock anthems, pop, old R&B, metal, gospel and, if you imagine it stripped back to just their harmonies, even Woman Of Intention has a real 1960s girl group feel about it.

They’re working the festival scene this summer, (having already played at Glastonbury) so if you’re heading off to Leeds or Reading, definitely go and get a taste of Deap Vally. You’ll be in for a treat, for sure.

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